time. moments. milestones.
At Friendly Hills Church, we believe the Children's Ministry is the primary way the church walks
alongside families in shepherding their children. So we want to create opportunities for the church
and families to take what we are doing with our children and incorporate it into their daily lives.
As we seek to live out this vision, we have found it helpful to think of it in terms of our time, moments, and milestones.
Intentional time that parents build into the rhythm of family life to worship together through Scripture, song, and prayer.
How Friendly Hills Church helps parents:
Our children's ministry provides a monthly newsletter and weekly resources to connect parents to what their child learn in Sunday School and children's church so it can be discussed and built upon at home.
A new hymn is taught each month in the children's ministry. Background information and lyrics are provided in our monthly newsletter so families can speak in-depth about the gospel truths songs and learn the lyrics together. The whole congregation sings the hymn together in worship ont he last Sunday of the month.
Quarterly Family Worship Nights gather families of all ages and sizes for fun, singing and learning more about God's Word together.
Parents leverage opportunities in the course of everyday life to hold gospel-centered conversations with their children. They also create special occasions and traditions that bring the family together.
How Friendly Hills Church helps parents:
Our children's ministry provides monthly resources in our newsletters to give parents ideas and language for incorporating the gospel into everyday life. The children's ministry plans family friendly events.
Annual children's events include: Easter celebration, Vacation Bible School, Summer Kool Down, Missions Conference, Fall Festival, Gingerbread House Event, and Christmas Program.
Parents mark and make occasions to celebrate and commemorate significant spiritual milestones of God’s work in the life of the family and child.
How Friendly Hills helps parents:
Our children's ministry loves to celebrate milestones with families and provide resources to help them celebrate. Milestones we frequently include:
nursery to children's church promotion
children's church to youth promotion
*Check the church calendar for specific information, dates and times. ​
"Like many people, I found myself 'conscripted into service' when my own children were involved in children's ministry. Thankfully my eyes and heart were opened along the way to the immeasurable joy that comes from serving God by investing in the lives of His children. I have found Matthew 19:14 to be true, '...the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
Cindy Beck
Children's Director